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1st Christina Lake Girl Guides meet weekly from September-June at The Community Hall. The Girl Guides are run through the generous support of parent volunteers and leaders.

Over the last year the Guides have worked on earning Program and Interest Badges. They hand-tied fleece quilts to donate internationally, earning the International Service Badge. They had a day camp at the community hall that included exercising, sewing book covers, contributing to the Lake Clean Up, games, pizza dinner and an indoor campfire. They spent a weekend at camp learning camp skills including cooking on camp stoves, setting up and taking down tents, and knot tying that earned them the Basic Camper Badge. The girls have sold Girl Guide cookies to fund the unit in the spring and fall.

Marina Lukes is the contact Guider for the Christina Lake Guides. Anyone requiring more information on Christina Lake Sparks, Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders & Rangers or to Volunteer is asked to contact her.

Contact Name: Marina Lukes

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