Bird watching at Christina Lake varies considerably over the year, with spring and summer being the most rewarding. The best place is in the Nature Park at the southeast end of the lake. The many trails throughout the park allow you to quietly approach the birds both in the woods and along the shore.
Another area that is home to a variety of birds is on the trail along the east side of Christina Creek, accessible from Highway #3 where it crosses the creek. During the spring and summer, you can expect to see as many as 73 species with another 24 during the spring and fall migrations. There are also 29 additional species of casual non-breeding birds, which may be sighted at any time.
Familiar sights along the shorelines include ducks, herons, and loons. Several species of eagles, hawks and falcons reside here. Wild turkeys roam freely, along with grouse, quail and other ground birds. It is common to see Bald Eagles soaring above the pine trees along the banks of the Kettle River. A walk along one of our many trails will reveal several species of woodpeckers, flickers, blue jays, whiskey jacks, magpies and a host of song birds; finch, sparrows, grosbeaks, bluebirds, nuthatches and more. If you walk quietly to the shores of the Community Park you will spot mallard and wood ducks, grebes, gold eyes and butterballs. To the quieter north end of the lake you will hear the longing cry of loons.